Māori Data Governance Model
The Māori Data Governance Model has been designed by Māori data experts for use across the Aotearoa New Zealand public service.

Māori Data Governance Model report
Māori data is a taonga that requires culturally grounded models of protection and care.
The Māori Data Governance Model report provides guidance for the system-wide governance of Māori data, consistent with the Government’s responsibilities under te Tiriti o Waitangi. The Model is intended to assist all agencies to undertake Māori data governance in a way that is values-led, centred on Māori needs and priorities, and informed by research.
Click the button below to read the Māori Data Governance Model report.

Māori Data Governance co-design
In 2020, the Data Iwi Leaders Group and Te Kāhui Raraunga led a Māori Data Governance co-design process between te ao Māori leaders, including iwi and national Māori leaders, representatives of Māori organisations with data interests, and individual Māori data experts, and 16 Crown agencies. The process was supported by Stats NZ.
The primary purpose was to design a system-wide model for Māori data governance to ensure data design, collection and dissemination supports iwi and Māori needs and aspirations.
Independent facilitators, AATEA Solutions and Creative HQ, conducted a series of co-design wānanga with te ao Māori leaders and Crown agencies and produced two reports: Tawhiti Nuku and a Co-Design Review Report.
Tawhiti Nuku presents the outcomes of the co-design workshop, including the Māori Data Governance model – a waka hourua, and the next steps to move the model into its next phase. The Co-Design Review Report presents a Māori-Crown co-design continuum as an analytical framework which can provide guidance for co-design in other Māori and Indigenous contexts.
The two reports present models that can provide guidance, exemplars and benefits for Māori, Indigneous peoples and our wider communities. Data is a tāonga and when iwi have the opportunity to govern, design and use their own data, iwi, hapu, whānau and communities flourish.
Click the buttons below to read Tawhiti Nuku and the Co-Design Review Report.
What is Māori Data Governance?
Co-Design of Māori Data Governance with the Crown